
Your breasts are very sensitive, so they need massage softly and softly everyday. This action stimulates the development of mammary glands, and helps your breasts more firm. By this action, you also could soon detect cancer cells. Massage with cool water or frozen milk is both good for yours. Remember your breasts are very sensitive so you should be tender

Sexier with beautiful and healthy breast

Breasts Skin Mask

Like your face, they also need a mask to refresh. There are 3 kind of masks I think you should try:
- Nourishing Mask: Mash a banana, add 2 drop of olive oil, and apply the derived mixture to your breasts for 30 minutes, wash off with warm water.
- Refreshing Mask: Peel an orange, mash it and blend  with forthed white of egg, keep it for 15 minutes.
- Moiturizing Mask: Grate a fresh cucumber and apply to your breast skin.

Sexier with beautiful and healthy breast


Breast Workout

Doing exercises everyday is very useful for your breasts, makes them sexier, more beautiful and healthier.

Sexier with beautiful and healthy breast - Breasts - Girl