To emphasize your legs with very minor adaptations to your normal cleansing and beauty routines, read on for a few quick tips to bring out -- and maintain -- a sexy look for your legs!

1. Don't rush when you shave
If you shave your legs, realize that nothing ruins super-smooth skin like nicks from a hurried shave. Hastily shaving your legs may cause the razor to snag your skin and remove tiny chunks at a time, especially around your knees, ankles and the thin areas of flesh on your shins. Also be sure your razor is still very sharp -- a dull blade can also cut.

To combat nicks from shaving too quickly or from a dull razor, rinse away the blood before exiting the shower, blot with a tissue or toilet paper, and apply a tiny corner of tissue to your wound. Allow it to dry the blood and decide whether the cut necessitates a bandage.

2. Moisturize
Shine adds a whole new dimension to smooth legs. A fragrant lotion creates softness, and newly applied moisturizer creates a nice glow that draws attention to your silky legs. You can also buy lotions with added shimmer for a little extra radiance.

3. Use a loofah pad to exfoliate and buff out imperfections
Loofah padSometimes tiny blemishes caused by ingrown hairs or minor skin conditions render legs to be not as smooth as they once were. By gently exfoliating at least once or twice a week, your legs can be healthy, soft and blemish-free with very little effort.

If you aren't sure what a loofah pad looks like, they typically have a beige-colored surface on one side and terrycloth on the other -- see one at the right. Loofahs usually only cost a couple dollars, and they're well worth the investment!