7 Best Home-Made Hair Masks … - Masks - Hair

Milk and Honey Mask

This is pretty simple and straightforward. All you have to do is mix up a single teaspoon of honey into one glass of whole milk then massage it into your hair from root to tip. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water and shampoo. Then, avoid bees, and you’ll see some amazing results in your hair.

7 Best Home-Made Hair Masks … - Masks - Hair

Coconut Cream Mask

This mask is kind of… sticky, sweet and time consuming to say the least. It’s also worth every minute. Take a chunk of coconut cream and warm it up in your hands. When it’s soft and pliable massage it into your hair. Slowly and carefully wrap your hair up into a warm towel and let the mask sit on your hair for one hour. Wash out with a mildshampoo and let your hair dry normally.

7 Best Home-Made Hair Masks … - Masks - Hair

Banana and Almond Mask

That’s right, bananas and almonds are good for your hair. Here’s what you do. Mash up one banana and add about 3 drops of almond oil to your gooey concoction. Mix well and massage into your hair. Let it sit for about 25 minutes, rinse and wash your hair and you’re all done, it’s as easy as that!

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